to the tune of

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to the tune of

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:42:27

英 [tu: ðə tju:n ɔv]

美 [tu ði tun ʌv]

to the tune of基本解释

达 ... 之多; 共计


  • 网络解释

1. 达...之多;共计:5277to the point达到... ...的程度 | 5278to the tune of达...之多,共计 | 5279toastn. 土司面包,烤面包,干杯; v. 敬酒,烤

2. [口]达...之多; 共计...(款数):There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle. [谚]提琴虽老, 仍可奏出好的曲子; 老... | to the tune of [口]达...之多; 共计...(款数) | tune in 收听..., 收看..., 调准收音机的波长; 调准电视机的频道; 调谐...

3. to the tune of的翻译

3. 达...之多:Take...for granted 理所当然 | To the tune of : 达...之多 | Actuator促动器

4. 共计......(款数):scandal 丑闻 | to the tune of 共计......(款数) | rein 支配

  • 临近词
The oars were silver, /Which to the tune of flutes kept stro k e, and made the/Water which they beat to follow fast.(银色的船桨,随着笛声拍节在水中摇划,击起了层层水波,痴情地紧追不舍。)
The fund bailed out Ukraine to the tune of $16.4 billion, and was relatively lenient over its conditions.(这笔资金给乌克兰提供了总计达164亿美元的援助。)
The judge was not impressed to the tune of 10.9 million dollars.(法官因此罚了他们1090万美元。)
Let's sing these lines to the tune of Red Vally.(让我们用红河谷的曲调唱这些词。)
I thus found myself rich once more to the tune of ten thousand francs or so, in addition to my allowance.(于是我身边又有了一万左右法郎,我的津贴费还不算在内。)
Insured people and taxpayers are forced to cross-subsidise such "uncompensated" and wasteful treatments to the tune of tens of billions of dollars per year.(投保人和纳税人被迫补贴这些“无保”户,一年浪费的治疗费用可达上百亿美元之巨。)
Try "peanut butter, milk and eggs" to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, " "Happy Birthday" or even nursery rhymes.(比如可以把“一闪一闪亮晶晶,满天都是小星星”改成“黄油牛奶亮晶晶,满天都是鸡蛋花生”,甚至可以用儿歌改“小兔子,白又白,两颗花生拿过来,煎蛋多多放葱花,爱喝黄油和牛奶”。)
And she danced round the room doing a high kick to the tune of her words.(她围着房间跳舞,随着话音做着大踢腿。)
THE naughty ditty that generations of Spanish schoolchildren have sung to one another to the tune of the national anthem is hardly respectful.(西班牙的孩子们在左邻右舍里和着国歌的旋律配上自己编的歌词,变成了一曲曲调皮的小调,丝毫没有歌唱国歌时的神圣之感。)
At one point the firm was in debt to the tune of about 1.5 million dollars, but it has since repaid all the money and now employs 17 people.(他的公司负债一度高达150万美元,而如今它已还清债务,还雇用了17名员工。)
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